Sunday, August 9, 2009

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

I have gotten way behind in my photo blog (a full six towns!). I will attempt to do some catch-up the next few times I have internet, and, to minimize the time it takes me to prepare the posts, I will write descriptions with seven words or fewer (yes -- I challenge myself to be concise!). If you have further questions, feel free to ask! The photos are out of chronological order because several were taken by Asmus and have different names from mine. Here are the shortie captions:

1) Santiago from the Monte Pedroso. (Credit to Asmus)
2) Thousands gather to watch cathedral fireworks! Claustrophobia. (Credit to Asmus)
3) Face of man between us. Cheer up! (Credit to my arm!)
4) Chummy chum chums.
5) Ojos de Brujo concert on first night!
6) It is an impressive cathedral.
7) Eucalyptus takes over Galician forests. No koalas.
8) Communications tower! So pretty against blue sky!
9) Communications tower and Catholicism -- chummy chum chums?
10) There is a zebra in the sky.
11) Giant wheel indeed. A carnival must.
12) Old eucalyptus! Man wants to cut down.
13) Cathedral fireworks! Audience of thousands most pleased.
14) Street. (This one was easy!)
15) Galician national pride day." !In-de-pen-den-cia!" Armed officers.
16) Outskirts of Santiago.

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